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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Please Stop Watching Fox News! You Bring Down Humanity?


I agree, most Christians do want to convert people to their religion just as Muslims do. However, both have very different methods on how they plan to accomplish this. And this is what makes all the difference my friend. I'll explain further down the letter.


In my opinion this is a large reason why we have strayed so far from the US Constitution.

We have ignored all of the historic landmarks (economic and governmental) on what we should not do by thinking that taking a bias is a bad thing. The writing is on the wall for those that do "their own" homework just by studying China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, etc.

Too many of us think that being open to everything and standing for nothing is a good thing. It is a weak thing, not a strong or wise thing. It is a strong thing to have a bias and stand publicly for that truth and to be willing to be tried and tested.

This is how we grow, this is how we learn, this is how we find that true depth of understanding.

Being open in the beginning, yes I agree this is wise. But at some point one must make a decision and stand for truth or self deception (or at the very least admit that they do not fully understand the scope of what they claim to have an understanding in and to avoid confusing the masses with their propaganda).

That being said, you won't notice the other news channels slanting on both sides of the argument which in turns indicates a bias from them as well. As long as a media channel supports their bias with support and reasoning than it really shouldn't matter. I mean is your voice any less important just because you have an opinion? Isn't that what makes us so different as a nation, the independent biases of each American or outlet? Only a fool thinks they cannot learn from someone with a bias or an opinion.

If I want to get rich, I want to learn from someone's economic bias on wealth who has accumulated wealth, it might just help?? If I want to become an actor I want to learn from someone with a bias in the industry who has made it? It might just help?? If I want to learn about freedom I want to hear the bias opinions of those that are the most financially, economically, religiously, and politically free. Don't you?

Now that being said, less than 20% of my post come from Fox.


Did you know that Fox has more viewers than all of the other news channels combined? (CNN, ABC, CBS, etc)

Did you know that the majority of the individual votes (Not House/Senate) voted against the Healthcare Reform which moved us into a new form of government creating the biggest government that we have ever had in history?
 - Big Government sucks do your homework (I beg you)

Did you know that big government creates a needy entitlement nation that strips away economic growth and independent creative prosperity?

Did you know that Obama has yet to prove that he is even a natural born US Citizen and even legally able to take the seat of office (His trial date is May 14th)? Did you know that? Do you even care? 

Did you know that an African Islamic is not the same thing as an African American? (Not being funny here)

Did you know that the Islamic African believes in a book called the Koran that teaches them it is OK to lie to anyone who is not a Muslim and rewards them for killing anyone who does not convert over to their faith?

Do you know anything about Muslims or the Koran? I mean really??

Did you know that Obama grew up his whole young life learning the Islamic way and is not a believer in Jesus Christ? Did you know that Obama will not wear the American Flag on his chest (presidential pin) that EVERY OTHER president has gladly accepted and worn?

Did you know that our country was founded on the principles of Jesus Christ and not Allah God of War?

Did you know that Jesus Christ is mentioned in the Koran and that Mohammad (their prophet) is mentioned in the Bible? Did you know that they stemmed from the same family? Did you know that the two religions are directly in oppositions with each other from a family feud and that Mohammad was determined to kill off anyone who would not convert over to his religion out of spite for not being the chosen people? Do you even know the story of Abraham?

Did you know the Christians idea of transforming those into believers involves free choice but true Muslims idea of transforming believers to Allah is by force and murder?

Have you been sleeping? Do you really not know what it is like in the middle east? Do you have any idea what life is like where it is predominantly Muslim? And you want that here in America? And you are an American?

Did you know that most Muslims cannot read Arabic (the language of the Koran) and that over 90% of Muslims have never read their own religious book and are told that they cannot interpret it for themselves and that they must learn from those who have the divine ability to interpret? (This creates a stupid uninformed people - this is what the Catholics tried to do in England which is why we all fled to America!!)

Did you know that a large portion of Muslims after reading the Koran for the first time and reading the Bible for the first time convert immediately over to Christ?

Did you know that there is a large religious agenda behind what is going on and that little of it is actually politics but more so power and control?

Did you know the financial crisis was created by the Democrats and Progressives by creating the Federal Reserve?

Do you even understand inflation and how "The Money Supply" works?

Did you know that now the Democratic party is claiming to have the plan now to save us from the very concept of inflation that they created? Did you know that this is called Irony?

Did you know that this is not really about the right wing versus the left wing? Did you know that most conservatives do not agree with Modern Day Democrats or Republicans (also known as Progressives - progressing away from the US Constitution?)

Did you know (I could do this all day, you really don't want to get me stared, just saying...)

Did you know that I study and read more newsletters bipartisan in a month than you do most likely in an entire year?

At the risk of sounding offensive, and that surely is not my goal.

I welcome you to articulate your position on how you think Keynesian Economics and modern day liberalism (the word liberalism originally defined the right wing party before it was slanted by the left in political campaigns) is going to bring more prosperity and freedom to our country.

By the way, its people like "me" that made this country what it "was", do your homework. The original founders of our country went up against a large opposition of European style government believers just as we are going against them today and forever they have been marked in history "positively"


[PS.] Whether you believe this or not, I'm on your side. You just don't know the facts well enough to understand that. 

[PPS.] And the day the Muslim Faith outwardly admits that they do not believe in the Koran as their holy guidance book and that they do not believe in their scriptures that command all Christians and Infidels (non Muslim believers) to be converted or eliminated, you can expect me too keep standing against this.


The moment that the root of the Muslim belief system will in their core truly accept the freedom and rights of the individual to make that choice for themselves (which will not happen because then they will no longer be Muslim by definition of their own faith) I will no longer have a problem with their religion nor fear their political strategies.

Its funny how quickly you have already forgotten about 9/11. I only pray that the day will not come where you experience this on your home turf first hand. Something tells me your bias might just change. 

[PPPS.] If you think I'm incorrect start running some searches on YouTube and listen to Islamic speakers (Not the videos below) and here what they are saying right now about their power in the White House and how their time has come to impact America. Listen to their own words, forget mine.

God Bless


  1. I read your blog! How do I get to see your blogs regularly? I agree with what you said completely but I'm worried.

    My dad used to work in Saudi Arabia and he was writing a book on a comparison of the Qur'an (Koran) and the Bible and he was writing about experiences he had with the Islamic people and their faith. He started getting death threats and people following him around in Saudi and America. They actually sent people on his planes to follow him. He stopped writing about it because he didn't want them coming after me and my sister. I know this is extreme but your blog is open to the public and you never know who will read it and who will go to extremes. I just don't want anything to happen to you, please be careful.

    Having said that, I'm glad I know you! There aren't many people in the world who are willing to say it like it is and state what they believe like you do.

    Do you read books? I know you research a lot on-line and all but there is a book I think you should read. Its called "The Executioner's Son: Islam's Nightmare". It is fiction but based on fact. It is the book my dad was finally able to write. Since he was forced to stop writing a factual book he made the facts into a story of fiction to get the information out there some how. If you're interested I can get you a copy and even have him sign it ;)

    Regarding the political stand points, I again completely agree with what your saying. People go with what they see on TV since its the easy way to receive information. Unfortunately, each media center is owned and operated by individuals with their own belief systems and will push what they believe onto the American people. It is exactly what we're doing now with all of your communication outlets and with me voicing my beliefs through people and on-line. The difference being, the amount of people reached through the media and their predetermined, unspecific, uneducated, pressured, monetary gained responses to the circumstances. They are making it all about party against party and he said she said talk, instead of discussing the issues and options for improving the government and economy. With all of this run around and a President that is pushing socialist control we aren't getting anything accomplished as a nation and ultimately allowing Obama to push us into a big government and regulating everything we do and say.

  2. I added a subscribe box to the blog near the top right corner. I also added a widget that will let you sign up using an RSS Reader if you prefer that method.

    Currently on my Money Tips and Strategies Blog I use a different email system that I pay for. I'm too lazy to set that up on this blog so the Google Feed burner Option above should work. It will give me a chance to play with it to see the differences. I say all that to say if you sign up to both of my blogs expect a slightly different 'look'.

    I agree on the safety issue. Its a bit of a moot point because as much as I would like to be wise in regards to safety, it won't matter much in the next decade or two if things keep moving in this direction at this speed.

    I'm not going to give up my faith so that doesn't give me much of a workaround for a quality life in a Muslim world.

    It would be nice if Muslims would just take me at my word if it came down to me needing to prove to them that I am a Muslim at threat of family or self but when in doubt they'll most likely test my religious loyalties and I'm not going to prove my loyalties through there methods of testing on human life.

    In short, we fight now or fight later. I'd rather fight now while there is legal momentum.

    Worst case scenario, I get to see the Golden Gates of heaven sooner rather than later. At least I will leave with a clear conscience and be able to stand rightly before God. The blood won't be on my hands. This is all temporal anyways.

  3. Oh and yeah I'll take a copy of his book, signed would be nice. I read books all the time. Half of my studies are offline. I have lots of bookshelves. :->



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