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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Secret Diary of Roosevelt’s Mistress

I think you will find Major Jordon’s diary to be of interest that is if you enjoy peering behind official history. In the late 1990’s the diary of Roosevelt’s mistress was found in an attic of an old house. She had meticulously kept notes on all the secrets she had learned during their pillow talk. She recorded in advance invasion plans such as Normandy. Had these plans been exposed, countless American lives would have been lost, not to mention that had Mr. Roosevelt’s affair been discovered, it would have opened him up for blackmail. What was most shocking in the diary was her notes on how Mr. Roosevelt was in league with Stalin. She recorded that after the war was over, Roosevelt had planned on going into partnership with Stalin and replacing the US constitutional form of government with a Soviet style government. Jordon’s diary seems to confirm that which was written in her diary.

Below are excerpts from Major Jordon’s diary found at

“Late one day in May, 1942, several Russians burst into my office at Newark Airport, furious over an outrage that had just been committed against Soviet honor…

There on the apron before the administration building was a medium bomber, an A-20 Douglas Havoc. It had been made in an American factory. It had been donated by American Lend-Lease, is was to be paid for by American taxes, and it stood on American soil. Now it was ready to bear the Red Star of the Soviet Air Force. As far as the Russians and Lend-Lease were concerned, it was a Russian plane…

I asked the interpreter what "outrage" had occurred. It seemed that a DC-3, a passenger plane, owned by American Airlines, had taxied from the runway and, in wheeling about on the concrete plaza to unload passengers, had brushed the Havoc’s engine housing. I could easily see that the damage was not too serious and could be repaired. But that seemed to be beside the point. What infuriated the Russians was that it be tolerated for one minute that an American commercial liner should damage, even slightly, a Soviet warplane!…

The younger Russians huddled around Colonel Kotikov over their Russian-English dictionary, and showed me a word: "punish." In excited voices they demanded: "Pooneesh -- peelote!" I asked what they wanted done to the offending pilot. One of them aimed an imaginary revolver at his temple and pulled the trigger…
"You’re in America," I told him. "We don’t do things that way. The plane will be repaired and ready for the convoy."

They came up with another word: "Baneesh!" They repeated this excitedly over and over again. Finally I understood that they wanted not only the pilot, but American Airlines, Inc., expelled from the Newark field…
"Mr. Hopkins fix," Colonel Kotikov asserted.

That, I felt sure, was the end of the affair. I was wrong. On June 12th the order came from Washington not only ordering American Airlines off the field, but directing every aviation company to cease activities at Newark forthwith….

Ten days after the Molotov story broke, Harry Hopkins came to New York to address a Russian Red Rally at Madison Square Gardens…Mr. Hopkins concluded: 

"Generations unborn will owe a great measure of their freedom to the unconquerable power of the Soviet people."[2]

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