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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Protest the Healthcare Takeover and Reconciliation Scheme

Important, Please take 30 seconds to protest the Health-care takeover and reconciliation scheme to your congressmen and senators by clicking on the below link:

Then Commit to being a part of the "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" event on March 16 – More information at bottom.

President Obama made it official yesterday:  Congress intends to ignore Senate rules - and the American people - and use a parliamentary trick called "reconciliation" to pass his health care takeover legislation. Before the Senate can use reconciliation to force through Obama's tweaks, the House must pass the Senate health care bill.  And we must stop them.

The key vote will occur in the House of Representatives - perhaps within 10 to 12 days - and we have to win it.  Once the Senate bill passes the House, President Obama will sign it and it will become the law of the land - whether or not the reconciliation scheme succeeds.

Ms. Pelosi will use every trick in the book to try and find the 216 votes she will need to ram through the health care bill, 2,700 pages of big government waste, fraud, abuse and corrupt back room deals, that Americans overwhelmingly reject. Which includes $1 trillion in new spending, tens of thousands of new government bureaucrats and dozens of new federal agencies, government boards deciding what medical treatments will be allowed and for which citizens based on age and other government criteria as well as abortions paid for with tax dollars.

Democrats in the House are attempting to justify their votes with vague promises that it will be "fixed" later. But fixed for whose benefit - Yours or the governments? If they are willing to ignore the will of the people to get this through, who could possibly believe that they will consider the will of the people when “fixing” it down the road.

In just the next few days, we've got to make sure our individual members of the House of Representatives feel the maximum heat from grassroots activists like you and me.

You may think, "My member is a firm NO vote, so it's a waste of time" or the opposite, "My member of Congress is a YES vote so why call or email?" Here's why I'm asking you to call and email them anyway:  we need to show the national outrage over this latest attempt to ram this through, and that means burying Congress, all of Congress, with personal calls and emails from millions of Americans.

I'm asking you to take 3 steps.

1. Call and email your member of Congress in the next 24 hours.  CLICK HERE

To call your member; - based on your zip code we can provide the right information for your representative.  Tell them to vote NO on the corrupt, big government Senate health care takeover bill and tell them Americans do not want this parliamentary trick called "reconciliation."

2. Forward this email to your friends, family, co-workers, and fellow activists across the nation asking them to do the same thing.  They may not know how much the House vote matters. Your friends and family need to hear from someone they know and trust that now is a crucial time on health care and protecting our freedoms.

3. Commit to being a part of the "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" event on March 16.  Here's how it will work.  On March 16 at 12 noon your time, we're asking you to drive to your nearest congressional district office and drive around the office for at least 15 minutes occasionally honking your horn. Our goal is to have Americans across the nation telling the politicians to keep their hands off our health care through this "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" effort.

To join the effort, receive updates and a "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" bumper sticker. You’ll also be able to download and print a sign for your car window on our website.

Don't Understand??

Watch These Videos

  1. Set 1
  2. Set 2
  3. Set 3 

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